President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran. FILE PHOTO

Raisi Says Iran 'Will Not Leave The Negotiating Table' Until Sanctions Lifted

Thursday, 11/04/2021

President Ebrahim Raisi referring to upcoming nuclear talks has said “Iran will not leave the negotiating table” but will also not accept excessive demands.

Raisi who was visiting Semnan Province on Thursday said Iran will pursue both the removal of US sanctions and efforts to neutralize them. Iran has always said it tries to circumvent sanctions the United States imposed in 2018 after withdrawing from the 2015 nuclear deal known as JCPOA.

Iran announced on Wednesday that after a four-month absence from the Vienna multilateral talks to revive the JCPOA, it will return to talks at the end of November. Raisi’s remarks were his first statement after the announcement of concrete date to resume the talks.

Iran’s hardline president repeated earlier statements by officials that Tehran wants “result oriented negotiations, and we will insist on the removal of sanctions”.

The Biden administration has said it is willing to lift the most important oil and banking sanctions if Iran also returns to its JCPOA obligations. Tehran has been enriching uranium to up to 60 percent, which has no civilian use.

Iran has delayed its return to the Vienna talks attempting to extract more concessions, but the US State Department said Wednesday that talks should resume exactly form where they were in June.

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