Combo photos of Iranian and Chinese foreign ministers.

Iranian And Chinese Foreign Ministers Discuss Resumption Of Nuclear Talks

Saturday, 11/06/2021

Following a phone conversation with Russia's foreign minister, Iran’s top diplomat also spoke with his Chinese counterpart over the resumption of nuclear talks.

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi wished Amir-Abdollahian a speedy recovery from Covid-19 and the two sides discussed a range of issues including the upcoming resumption of multilateral nuclear talks in Vienna at the end of November.

Iran’s foreign minister told his Chinese counterpart that he hoped the United States and the three European power, the United Kingdom, France and Germany enter the negotiation “with realism” so that agreement can be reached quickly.

Amir-Abdollahian added that “America cannot continue the failed policy of maximum pressure and economic terrorism while claiming to be in favor negotiations.” He also said Iran’s cooperation with the UN nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, will continue smoothly “within the framework of agreements and regulations.”

The Iranian foreign ministry statement late Saturday claimed that the Chinese foreign minister said the United States is the main cause of current problems related to the 2015 nuclear agreement, the JCPOA.

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