Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and US President Joe Biden in the Oval Office. FILE PHOTO

Israel Reportedly Concerned Over US Intention For A 'Partial' Deal With Iran

Sunday, 11/14/2021

Israel is increasingly concerned that the US is aiming for a partial nuclear deal with Iran only to stop its uranium enrichment, Israel Hayom reported Sunday.

The publication also said that Prime Minister Naftali Bennett will not meet with US Special Envoy Robert Malley who is visiting Israel to show his displeasure. The American envoy is seen as spearheading ‘a deal at any cost’ approach in the Biden Administration.

According to briefings received by Israeli officials the United States is willing to lift the most important sanctions in exchange for a simple cessation of uranium enrichment by Iran.

That would leave a considerable quantity of 20-percent and 60-percent enriched uranium in Tehran’s possession and all the enrichment equipment it has assembled recently.

The US had pledged to aim for a stronger agreement with Iran after it launched indirect talks in April but is now reportedly focused on stopping further enrichment.

This would be even more than Iran has been demanding during the past months, which is a return to the status quo of May 2018 when former president Donald Trump withdrew form the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or JCPOA.

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