Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and his foreign minister in a meeting. Undated

Israel's Bennett Urges World Powers To Be Tough With Iran

Sunday, 12/05/2021

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Sunday urged world powers to take a hard line against Iran in nuclear talks held in Vienna earlier in the week.

Bennet is dispatching his top defense and intelligence officials to Washington to discuss the flailing talks.

“I call on every country negotiating with Iran in Vienna to take a strong line and make it clear to Iran that they cannot enrich uranium and negotiate at the same time,” Bennett told a meeting of his Cabinet.

“Iran must begin to pay a price for its violations.”

Buoyed by the failure of negotiators to make any breakthrough in the Vienna talks, chief of Israel’s Mossad and its defense minister visit Washington this week to urge the Biden Administration not to make concessions to Iran.

Prominent voices in Israel are now indicating the US withdrawal, especially without a contingency plan for Iran's continuously developing nuclear plan, was a blunder.

But Israel’s new government has maintained a similar position as former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, rejecting a return to the original deal and calling for diplomacy to be accompanied by military pressure on Iran.

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