The Karaj nuclear workshop after a drone attack in June.

Iran Allows IAEA Access To Nuclear Workshop, Tehran Website Says

Wednesday, 12/15/2021

Iran has allowed the UN nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, to replace its cameras at a centrifuge parts workshop, according to a website affiliated to Iran's top security body.

"Due to the completion of judicial and security checks on the affected cameras, as well as the IAEA's steps to condemn the act of vandalism against the Tessa complex, Iran has voluntarily authorized the agency to replace the damaged cameras with new ones," Nournews said.

Iran limited monitoring access by the IAEA, to its nuclear facilities in February and later refused to allow the replacement of cameras at the Karaj facility that manufactures uranium enrichment centrifuges. Just on Tuesday the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, Mohammad Eslami, had said Tehran would not allow access to the Karaj facility, which was the target of a drone attack earlier this year.

The news came as the three European countries, the United Kingdom, France and Germany that are signatories of the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran repeatedly criticized Tehran in recent days for being inflexible in talks aimed at restoring the JCPOA and making “maximalist” demands.

Iran needs to reach an agreement over limiting its nuclear program with the West if it wants crippling economic sanctions imposed by the United States to be lifted.

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