Florida representative Ted Deutch

Democratic Congressman Says JCPOA Is Not An Iran Policy

Saturday, 04/30/2022

Another member of the Democratic Party has criticized the Biden administration for handling the threat posed by Iran, saying the 2015 nuclear agreement, JCPOA, is not an Iran policy.

Florida Congressman Ted Deutch said that “Iran threatens our allies and partners, and the IRGC funds proxies across the region while pursuing nuclear weapons”.

“Deal or not, we need a comprehensive strategy to lead in combating threats and to ensure Iran never has nukes”, he added, noting that he is glad that Secretary of State Antony Blinken affirmed that.

During a Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Tuesday, Senators from both sides of the aisle told Blinken to walk away from the talks with Iran.

But Democratic Senator Chris Murphy said Thursday that all the measures the United States has taken against Iran have only accelerated the country’s nuclear program.

The Connecticut senator, a supporter of JCPOA. said in a tweet on Thursday that “We tried crippling unilateral sanctions. We tried assassinations and sabotage. All that did was expedite their research program.”

The Biden administration has been holding talks for more than a year with Iran to revive the 2015 nuclear agreement, but the diplomatic process is at a standstill since March. Iran is demanding the removal of its Revolutionary Guard from the US list of terrorist organizations, something the administration has so far not accepted.

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