Republican Senator Ted Cruz

US Senate Passes Motion Demanding Iran Terrorism Sanctions Report

Wednesday, 05/04/2022

The US Congress edged closer on Wednesday toward completing a long-stalled bill that among other issues would request a government report on Iran‘s role in terorism.

Although the motions are not binding, they convey a sense of what senators would like to see in the final bill and what could keep it from getting enough votes to become law.

In one of an expected 28 votes, the Senate voted 86-12 - with strong bipartisan support - for a "motion to instruct", sponsored by Republican Senator Ted Cruz, seeking a report on terrorism-related sanctions on Iran and saying such sanctions are necessary to limit cooperation between China and Iran.

If it became law, the provision could complicate delicate negotiations on the international Iran nuclear deal, although western officials have largely lost hope that the pact can be resurrected, four years after former Republican President Donald Trump abandoned it in 2018.

Negotiations, which started in Vienna in April 2021 to revive the Obama-era nuclear deal, JCPOA, have been on a protracted pause since March 11, as the Islamic Republic demanded removing its Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) from the US list of terrorist organizations.

Sen. Cruz before the vote called on lawmakers to vote "Yes" if they want terrorism sanctions on Iran’s Revolutionary Guard to remain, or "No" if they want to lift those sanctions. He also accused the Biden administration of refusing to enforce oil export sanctions on Iran, allowing it to sell more than a million barrels of crude a day.

Iran International has also obtained text of a Motion to Instruct Senate Conferees by Cruz that calls for identifying "major areas of diplomatic, energy, infrastructure, banking, economic, military and space cooperation…between Iran and China, regarding US policy to limit such cooperation…through terror-rekated sanctions imposed on Central Bank of Iran and the IRGC, as such sanctions are necessary to limit such cooperation.“

Media reports have indicated that the US was contemplating to remove the IRGC from its Foreign Terrorist Organizations list and only keep its foreign operations arm, the Qods (Quds) Force under sanctions. Iran has rejected a partial removal of sanctions and insists on all designations to be removed.

Opposition to Biden Administration's efforts to revive the 2015 nuclear agreement has grown in recent weeks, with an overwhelming majority of Republicans and many Democrats opposing a return to deal and making concessions to Tehran.

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