US Senators Speak To Iran International Ahead Of Malley Report

Wednesday, 05/25/2022

United States senators have differing hopes for Wednesday’s report to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee by Iran special envoy Rob Malley.

“I want Rob Malley to give an honest assessment of the status of negotiations and make the case for why diplomacy is the only viable path to keep Iran from a nuclear weapon,” Connecticut’s Democrat Senator Chris Murphy told Iran International correspondent Arash Aalaei Tuesday.

“I don't think the US or our allies should be involved in the business of assassination,” Murphy said, referring to the killing of Iranian colonel Hassan Sayyad-Khodayariin Tehran, widely blamed on Israel.

Rick Scott, a Republican representing Florida, ruled out further talks. “What I would hope to hear [from Malley] is that they're not going to do anything, because the Iranians still chant death to Israel…They still have death threats on American citizens.” He called Tehran’s regional activities “despicable,” saying the US should “hold Iran accountable, just as we hold Russia and China, Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua.”

Alabama Republican Tommy Tuberville opposed renewing the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) but ruled out military means. “There's no way we can allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon,” he said. “No way.”

Cory Booker, Democrat senator from New Jersey, told Iran International a US-Iran confrontation was clear in both American sanctions and diplomacy. “We cannot allow Iran to continue to be such a state sponsor of terrorism,” he said.

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