Laura Holgate, US representative at the IAEA board meeting. June 6, 2022

US Says Iran Removing IAEA Cameras 'Extremely Regrettable'

Wednesday, 06/08/2022

It would be regrettable and counterproductive for Iran to remove two of the UN nuclear watchdog's surveillance cameras as it has announced, the United States said on Wednesday.

The US and its European allies, the United Kingdom, France and Germany are pushing for a resolution criticizing Iran’s lack of cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) at the watchdog's board.

"If accurate, reports that Iran plans to reduce transparency in response to this resolution are extremely regrettable and counterproductive to the diplomatic outcome we seek," a US statement to a meeting of the 35-nation Board of Governors said ahead of a vote on the U.S.-backed draft resolution. "We do not seek escalation (with Iran)," the statement added.

Earlier in the day the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran announced that it has decided to disconnect two IAEA monitoring devices, measuring uranium enrichment, without naming the location.

The equipment in question, Iran said, are not related to IAEA monitoring according to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, but are part of its “voluntary cooperation” under the Additional Protocol.

The resolution is tabled by the West after IAEA director Rafael Grossi issued a report to the board on Monday criticizing Iran for lack of cooperation in an investigation of its past secret nuclear activities.

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