Former US national security adviser John Bolton

Returning To Nuclear Deal Will Be A Big Mistake, Bolton Tells Iran International

Wednesday, 06/15/2022

Former US national security adviser John Bolton says restoring the nuclear deal between Iran and world powers increases the likelihood of a war between Iran and Israel. 

Bolton told Iran International’s Fardad Farahzad on Tuesday that if the Biden administration returns to the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, it will make a big mistake because Israel will feel threatened, intensifying the proxy conflict between the Islamic Republic and Israel to a full-fledged war. 

The possibility of reviving the JCPOA is very low, and if the Vienna talks fail, on the one hand, "Israel or others" may take covert or overt action to stop Iran's nuclear program, and on the other hand, sanctions against the Islamic Republic will increase.

In response to a question about the joint naval drills between the US Navy and the United Arab Emirates in the Persian Gulf, he noted that the Iranian threat in the region has reached a very serious point but the possibility of a full-blown war in the short term is still very low, adding that there is no real possibility of a war between Iran and the US because it is tantamount to “suicide” for the Islamic Republic.

US Central Command said on Tuesday that the naval forces of the US and the UAE have started a 10-day drill, codenamed Iron Defender.

Earlier on Tuesday, Connecticut Democrat Senator Chris Murphy told Iran International that "It would be tragic if we didn't get back into the nuclear agreement. I have yet to hear Republicans present a plausible alternative for how we keep the region and the world safe from nuclear weapons without this diplomatic agreement."

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