Protests in the southwestern province of Khuzestan

Tehran’s Transportation Fleet Workers Join Nationwide Protests, Strikes

Sunday, 06/19/2022

As strikes and protests continued in Iran’s retail and industrial sectorss on Sunday, a group of workers of Tehran’s transportation fleet held a protest rally for their demands. 

The drivers and truckers gathered in front of the Roads and Transportation Organization in Tehran to protest the economic hardship they are going through.

Videos on social media showed them chanting slogans against the empty promises by the government and the crackdown by the security forces. 

In May, the Union of Truckers and Drivers' Organization announced plans to hold a nationwide strike, saying holding protests for the realization of their demands are their inalienable right. The date of the strike is to be announced soon.

Sunday’s protest took place against the backdrop of shop owners’ strikes and pensioners' protests in many cities across the country, such as Kermanshah, Sari, Rasht, and several cities in the oil-rich Khuzestan province, including Ahvaz, Shush, and Shushtar. 

The protests and strikes by pensioners and retailers on Saturday coincided with President Ebrahim Raisi’s first election anniversary amid economic and political uncertainty.

Retirees took to the streets in many cities and towns on Sunday again to protest the meager rise in their pensions, which fails to compensate for the huge drop in their purchasing power given an inflation rate of over 40 percent. The current round of strikes and demonstrations began on Sunday, June 12, after Iran’s currency fell to a historic low of 333,000 rials to the US dollar. 

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