Iran’s top nuclear negotiator says Tehran will give the US another chance to show good faith while a lawmaker suggested that nuclear talks will soon resume.

“We shared our proposed ideas, both on substance and form, to pave the way for a swift conclusion of Vienna negotiations which were aimed at fixing the damaging complicated situation caused by the US unilateral and unlawful withdrawal,” Ali Bagheri-Kani tweeted Sunday afternoon, adding that Iran is working closely with its JCPOA partners, in particular the European coordinator of the talks, Josep Borrel, “to give another chance to the US to demonstrate good faith and act responsibly.”

“We stand ready to conclude the negotiations in a short order, should the other side be ready to do the same,” he added.

In in an essay in the Financial Times Tuesday, Borrel who is the EU high representative for foreign affairs and security policy said he has proposed a new draft text to revive the deal, and that he has “concluded that the space for additional significant compromises has been exhausted”.

"I have now put on the table a text that addresses, in precise detail, the sanctions lifting as well as the nuclear steps needed to restore the JCPOA," he wrote.

Yaghoub Rezazadeh, member of the presiding board of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Parliament told the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) earlier Sunday that a new round of nuclear talks with world powers will begin in Vienna, possibly soon, “given the efforts of the European partners” in the deal to revive the 2015 agreement, known officially as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

According to Rezazadeh, the members of the committee have held several meetings with Bagheri-Kani in the past few days and although Iran has offered to host the new talks, they will probably be held in Vienna.

Rezazadeh’s comments were the first time an Iranian official has spoken about the possibility of a new round of talks.

US State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters during the week that Washington was reviewing the "draft understanding" Borrell shared with Iran and other parties to the 2015 deal and would respond directly to the EU.

Borrell also said there is a risk of a dangerous nuclear crisis, set against the prospect of increased isolation for Iran and its people, if the deal is rejected.

On Saturday two Telegram channels with links to IRGC suggested that Iran may build nuclear warheads “in the shortest possible time” if attacked by the US or Israel.

Israeli has repeatedly threatened in recent months to use all means at its disposal to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear threat and has said its armed forces are preparing for action if necessary. The US and Israel agreed in July to take a joint stance against Iran's nuclear program and involvement in regional conflicts and said they would work together to prevent Tehran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Iran has now enriched enough uranium to 60 percent that if further enriched to 90 percent, the fissile material will be sufficient for a nuclear bomb within a few weeks.

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