Russian President Vladimir Putin

Putin May Boost Cooperation With Tehran On Protests Crackdown

Thursday, 10/27/2022

Following the Wednesday attack on a shrine in Shiraz, Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed Moscow's readiness for further cooperation with Tehran on ‘counter-terrorism issues.’

Putin sent his condolences to his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi in connection with the terrorist attack in Shiraz in a message published on Thursday on the Kremlin website.

"Please accept my sincere condolences on the tragic consequences of the terrorist act in Shiraz. It is hard to imagine a more cynical crime than the killing of civilians, including children and women, inside the walls of a religious shrine. We have once again seen that terrorism violates not only laws but also human morals," Putin said.

Putin’s vows for support against terrorist activities in Iran can be construed as a greenlight to support the Islamic Republic in its crackdown on the antigovernment protests that have engulfed the country since the death in custody of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini.

In addition to Iranian authorities such as the Supreme Leader and President Ebrahim Raisi, several other supporters of the regime in Tehran are trying to link the terrorist attack to the ongoing protests but many Iranians are not convinced the regime had no part in it, saying it is a scenario for cracking down harder on protesters.

Earlier in the day, the secretary general of Iran-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah said those fanning the flames of recent riots in the Islamic Republic are responsible for the horrendous attack that killed at least 15 people.

On Thursday, the White House also expressed concerns that Russia may be advising Tehran on best practices to suppress the ongoing protests in Iran.

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