Iranian rallied in Vancouver and other cities in Canada on November 5, 2022

Iranians Abroad Hold Demos To Support Protest Movement

Sunday, 11/06/2022

Iranians living abroad in solidarity with protesters in Iran once again held antigovernment demonstrations in major world cities.

On Saturday, the diaspora in the United States, Canada, Italy, Germany, France, UK, Australia, and several other countries staged rallies against the Islamic Republic.

In Los Angeles, Iranian expatriates rallied at Beverly Hills City Hall while famous artists and personalities such as Dariush Eqbali, Nazanin Bonyadi, Shohreh Aghdashlo and several political activists gave speeches. Similar rallies were staged in New York and Washington DC.

In the Canadian cities of Vancouver and Toronto thousands expressed solidarity with the uprising of Iranians and called for the release of rapper Toomaj Salehi and other political prisoners.

Toomaj Salehi is an Iranian hip hop artist mostly known for his protest songs about Iran's social issues and injustice by the government. Salehi was arrested on October 30th as part of the crackdown on opponents.

In Sydney, Australia, Iranians gathered in Hyde Park demanding an end to the government of the Islamic Republic. Famous Iranian singer Googoosh joined the crowd saying “Today no Iranian is afraid of this regime and will not forget the massacre of brothers and sisters.”

Similar protests were also held in Vienna, Aukland, Perth, Cologne, Hamburg, Stockholm, Gothenburg, London, Copenhagen, Rome, Bern and Paris.

Demonstrations in support of the protest movement of Iran have been held in more than 150 cities around the world up to now.

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