German chancellor Olaf Scholz and French president Emmanuel Macron. October 26, 2022

Iran Angered By European Criticism Of Its Rights Violations

Sunday, 11/13/2022

Iran reacted Sunday to the meeting of the French President with a group of Iranian activists saying the statements by Emmanuel Macron were “shameful”.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Naser Kanani condemned the talks between Masih Alinejad and the French President saying it is surprising that Macron “lowers his level to hold meeting with a hated person who has clearly tried to spread violence and terrorist acts in the Islamic Republic and against its diplomatic missions abroad.”

French President Emmanuel Macron met a group of Iranian female activists in Paris Friday calling the protests in Iran a “revolution”.

US-based activist Masih Alinejad has for years led a campaign encouraging Iranian women to remove their obligatory headscarves.

However, the Iranian spokesman said, “this meeting is a violation of France's international responsibilities in the fight against terrorism and violence.”

This comes as the Islamic Republic is now under great international pressure for its use of violence against its own people during anti-government protests following the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody in September.

At the same time, Kanaani also called the German Chancellor's recent stance on Iran’s violations of human rights “interventionist, provocative and undiplomatic”.

In a video posted on his twitter account Saturday, Olaf Scholz slammed the Iranian regime for use of violence against protesters and called for a new round of EU sanctions on the Islamic Republic next week.

At least 326 people including 43 children and 25 women have been killed by Iranian regime in the ongoing nationwide protests.

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