Human rights activist and journalist Hossein Ronaghi

Health Condition Of Political Prisoners Deteriorating In Iran

Friday, 11/18/2022

Family members of some Iranian political prisoners have warned about the health condition of the detainees who are deprived of having access to medical care.

Sakineh Ronaghi, the sister of Hossein Ronaghi, a human rights activist and journalist, wrote on her Instagram page that her brother is in a “very serious condition” and he will not survive more than five or six days if he is not admitted to hospital immediately.

The dissident blogger and freedom activist Hossein Ronaghi was arrested over his support for protests late in September, and prison guards broke his legs in detention.

Ahmad Ronaghi, his father, also released a video message saying that his son called him from prison on Thursday saying that “he is not feeling well at all.”

Hossein Ronaghi’s parents outside Evin prison

He said although doctors insisted “Hossein should be transferred to hospital immediately,” the prison authorities kept him in Evin prison’s infirmary.

Meanwhile, Hossein Sadeghi, father of civil activist Arash Sadeghi, pointed out that his son is suffering from bone cancer, warning about his health condition and the consequences of his lack of access to medicines.

"In a phone call, we found out that Arash's medications are not available in the prison infirmary, and we are not allowed to get medicines from outside,” he wrote on his Instagram page Thursday.

Arash Sadeghi was arrested on October 12 during anti-regime protests. In May 2021, he was released from Rajaei Shahr prison in Karaj after serving a five years and six months sentence.

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