A gathering of striking workers at Esfahan Steel Company (November 15)

Intl. Trade Union Condemns Iran’s Crackdown On Protests

Monday, 11/21/2022

The International Trade Union Confederation has condemned repression against the people of Iran by the country's “misogynistic regime”.

The confederation issued an “emergency resolution” during a congress Monday in Melbourne, Australia, slamming the killing of hundreds and the arrest of thousands of people during nationwide protests.

“Iranian women, supported by men, have bravely protested across the country for their rights, and unions have held strikes, in the face of brutal repression. Hundreds of people have been killed, several protesters have been sentenced to death, and 15,000 have been arrested,” reads the resolution.

The confederation also slammed the systematic violation of the fundamental rights of the Iranian people, including their rights to freedom of association, as well as of freedom of speech.

“Iran is consistently ranked as among the worst countries in the world for workers' rights. Several trade unionists are serving lengthy prison sentences simply for standing up for fundamental rights,” states the resolution.

The ITUC further demanded the release of imprisoned trade unionists, and all those detained and imprisoned in blatant violation of international law.

It called on the Iranian authorities to end their violence against women and girls and to respect their rights and all the rights of all Iranians to freedom of association, and freedom of expression.

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) is the world's largest trade union federation. The ITUC represents 207 million workers through its 331 affiliated organizations within 163 countries and territories.

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