Senator Rick Scott, Republican, Florida

US Senators Voice Support For Iran Protesters Demand More Action

Thursday, 12/01/2022

The Biden Administration does not care about Iranian protesters, a Republican Senator has said, while a Democrat demanded more action by the United States.

Senator Rick Scott of Florida told Iran International’s Arash Alaei that “We shouldn't be having any conversation with Iran other than on when are they going to stop killing their own citizens and stop trying to develop a nuclear weapon to be able to annihilate Israel.”

As he was asked to comment on the US response to popular protests and the killing of hundreds of civilians in Iran, he accused the Biden Administration of being indifferent. “I'm disgusted that Biden admin does nothing about it,” he said.

The administration has voiced support for the protesters and issued a series of sanctions against officials who are engaged in serious human rights violations.

Democratic Senator Tim Kaine saying that more should be done than just sanctions, expressed hope that Congress can act on it own to support Iranian protesters.

“There's a lot going on now between now and year-end, but I wouldn't be surprised if you see some action by Congress to express support for protesters,” Kaine maintained,

He added, “Dictators are realizing that people cannot be squashed permanently, and they're also realizing in Vladimir Putin's case that they cannot act with impunity and get what they want. Authoritarians are learning that they just can't dictate terms to people anymore.”

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