Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian

Amid General Strike Iran FM Claims Protests Are Over

Tuesday, 12/06/2022

Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian claimed Tuesday the protests in his country have ended and whoever would like can travel to Iran to see it in person.

Amir Abdollahian made the comments in a joint press conference with his Bosnian counterpart Tuesday saying part of the demands in Iran are peaceful demands of the people but “I invite you to come to Iran and see it yourself.”

His comments come as the country is in shutdown mode for the second day with business owners on strike in support of the protest movement that wants to oust the clerical regime.

He further went on to allege that “in the past eight weeks, Iran witnessed a wave of foreign interventions, riots and terror acts designed against the people of Iran.”

Government officials in the core of the regime and military commanders in Iran keep blaming foreign countries and their alleged agents for instigating unrest in Iran.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Iranian FM said “the police did not shoot at anyone, and no one was killed by the police and security forces, but 67 policemen were killed by US-made weapons.”

Amir-Abdollahian’s comments are in contradiction with the country’s Security Council that announced Saturday over two hundred people were killed during nationwide “riots”.

Based on the latest report by the Oslo-based Human Rights Organization at least 448 people including 60 children and 29 women have been killed by security forces in the ongoing nationwide protests.

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