Rafael Grossi, head of the UN nuclear watchdog, the IAEA

UN Nuclear Watchdog Welcomes Contacts Between US And Iran

Thursday, 06/22/2023

There are still certain points that Iran needs to clarify and there is a lot of work to be done, Rafael Grossi, head of the UN nuclear watchdog, IAEA, told Iran International.

Grossi who was in London on Wednesday attending the Ukraine Recovery Conference told our correspondent that regarding Iran’s nuclear program “There is a lot of work to be done. There are certain points that Iran still needs to clarify.”

The International Atomic Energy Agency has been seeking answers from Iran on traces of uranium found at undeclared nuclear research sites dating back to more than two decades ago. Grossi reached an agreement in Tehran in March to resolve the issue, but progress has been slow.

Iran also removed many monitoring cameras IAEA had installed in its nuclear facilities according to previous agreements, as it ramped up uranium enrichment in 2021.

“I have said that we would hope their collaboration would be stronger in order to provide the assurances that are expected [to make sure] everything is in order,” Grossi added.

He also welcomed what he called “processes” regarding attempts by the United States to interact with the Islamic Republic to resolve pressing issues related to its nuclear program.

“We know that the United States is also attempting to have some consultations with Iran. We welcome all processes, but of course we have a specific mandate when it comes to Iran, which is inspecting and safeguarding the program to prevent any proliferation,” Grossi maintained.

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