File photo of workers at a fruit and vegetables market in southern Tehran

Iranian Suicides Underscore Dire Impact Of Economic Struggles

Monday, 01/08/2024

Two Iranian workers have taken their own lives in recent days, highlighting the severe impact of poor financial and living conditions.

On Monday, Behzad Shokati, a 47-year-old park ranger in Astara County, Northern Iran, ended his life, citing "poor living conditions" as the driving factor.

Zeynab Bahraini, an environmental journalist, reported that this marks the "second suicide among foresters in Astara and Gilan province in the past year."

In a second incident, a worker at the Khaniabad fruit and vegetables market in southern Tehran took his own life on Saturday. Colleagues of the worker remain unaware of the reasons behind his actions, with the police discovering his body near the workplace.

Emtedad, a social media news channel, also covered the ongoing suicides among workers in the Chovar petrochemical complex in Ilam. An interview with the brother of one of the workers revealed that the suicides were a response to the termination of cooperation by the contracting company. Allegedly, the company's CEO stated, "We don't need the services anymore," leading to the tragic outcome.

The incidents highlight the urgent need for attention to workers' well-being, addressing financial hardships, and providing mental health support. Workers in various sectors, including the petrochemical industry, face precarious employment conditions and economic challenges, contributing to the growing crisis.

As concerns intensify, demands for improved working conditions and fair treatment echo through protests and gatherings, as witnessed with retirees and employees from the Social Security and Steel Industries, Iranian Offshore Oil Company, Aghajari Oil and Gas, and Haft-Tappeh Steel, who rallied on Sunday to draw attention to their unmet demands.

Suicide in Islam is forbidden, but death by suicide has grown by more than 40 percent in Iran over a decade, according to statistics, attributed to deepening economic, political and social upheaval. The 2022 report on “Social Justice Indicators” shows that law enforcement agencies recorded 5,085 suicide cases in 2021, compared to 3,559 in 2011, Iran Open Data reported. 

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