Executed protester Mohammad Ghobadlou

Executed Protester's Mother Accuses Iran Of Falsifying Will

Tuesday, 02/20/2024

Masoumeh Ahmadi, the mother of Mohammad Ghobadlou, a protester executed last month, has accused the government of falsifying his last will and testament before his execution.

In an Instagram post on Monday, Ahmadi said, "This is neither Mohammad's handwriting nor his signature," underscoring the lack of authenticity. "They did not allow my son the opportunity to say goodbye to his family and bid us farewell."

The document shows a pre-prepared form outlining religious rituals after execution, with handwritten entries and a signature below. However, certain sections, notably the 'remarks' section, remain conspicuously blank, raising suspicions of manipulation.

"The lies continue," Ahmadi fumed. "I wish there were consequences for lying."

The revelation comes just days after Ghobadlou's lawyer was summoned to court for criticizing the handling of the trial. His legal team denounced the execution as "state murder" after he was charged with "waging war against God" and "corruption on earth" for his alleged involvement in assaulting and killing a special forces officer during protests in 2022.

So far, at least nine protesters have been executed in connection with the Women, Life, Freedom protests, amidst a record wave of executions last year amid deepening crackdowns.

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