Iran International's correspondent in Washington DC Arash Alaei and Codepink’s co-founder Medea Benjamin (March 21, 2024)

Codepink Evades Questions About Alleged Links With Iranian Regime

Friday, 03/22/2024

Codepink’s co-founder dodged questions on alleged ties to the Iranian regime during a conversation with Iran International's correspondent in Washington DC.

The confrontation unfolded during a heated exchange with Iran International's Arash Alaie, where Medea Benjamin deflected scrutiny by asserting, "We're not on the side of any government anywhere. We support people."

Codepink has come under fire for its alleged connections to the Iranian regime, primarily from critics who perceive the government in Tehran as oppressive and authoritarian. Detractors argue that by maintaining affiliations with or expressing solidarity towards the Iranian leadership, Codepink legitimizes a regime accused of egregious human rights violations, crackdowns on dissent, and alleged support for terrorist entities.

The movement's critics further contend that Codepink's stance may inadvertently whitewash the Iranian government's track record of arbitrary arrests, torture, and executions targeting political dissidents, journalists, and minority groups. Some also accuse Codepink of disproportionately scrutinizing Western governments, particularly the United States, while downplaying or disregarding the actions of non-Western regimes such as Iran.

There are concerns among critics that the Iranian regime could exploit Codepink's support as a propaganda tool, utilizing it to bolster its international image and diminish its isolation on the global stage.

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